Saturday, March 1, 2014

March's Chatterbox: "...then we shall see face to face."

Happiest of all happy Marches to each of you! It's a new month which means a new page on my calender, a new writing space, newly painted walls in the hall (the soles of my feet are speckled with paint), and I'm sure many adventures to come. This month I hope to be able to purchase a ticket to Romania for our missions trip in May. I am so excited about this opportunity and cannot wait to go back to all the places and people from last year. It was such a privilege to share in their lives for two weeks. Want to see some photos? Here's an album. Anyway, I digress. It's time for Chatterbox again! It's funny how uncalculated all my choices of topic are. A friend asked me what the next Chatterbox topic was going to be and I hadn't even thought of it. I threw around a few ideas and finally settled on one with which I expect you to have fun:


Such an ambiguous topic, isn't it? Do I mean literal mirrors? Do I mean two people imitating one another? Do I mean reflections, or a reflective spirit? Do I mean an absence of mirrors, or perhaps a superfluity of them? Do I mean a robber baron signalling to his band with flashes on a mirror, or perhaps I mean something more like The Picture of Dorian Gray.  There is ample room for speculation as to what I mean by assigning you mirrors. That speculation is your job and I am certain you will come up with brilliant ways to apply the topic to your own stories. Mirrors are always a bit mysterious, always changing what one thinks one sees into something just a little different. I recall walking through a house of mirrors are our county fair and losing my breath to laughter over how deuced hard it really is to find your way...until I looked at the cracks at the floor and was able to see where they led. Because of the properties of mirroring, you aren't really seeing exact reality...and that opens up a slew of ideas for me. Can't wait to read the entries. You can add your links to the link-up below as usual. Have a lark!

1 comment:

  1. "Such a number of looking-glasses! O Lord! there was no getting away from one's self."

    Very intriguing topic—this is going to take some thought.


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